MWSCAS Student Research Forum
We invite students to apply to participate in the MWSCAS Student Research Forum. This is an opportunity for students to display a poster describing their thesis research.
New for 2023. The Student Research Forum is a new initiative at MWSCAS 2023. All graduate and undergraduate students are invited to apply to participate (see below).
What is it? The MWSCAS Student Research Forum is a poster section that will provide an opportunity for students to share their research, get feedback, and introduce themselves professionally to the MWSCAS Community. Posters can be of previous or recently published work, or unpublished work relevant to MWSCAS 2023. Participation is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and does not require the publication of a paper at the conference. The goal is to provide an opportunity for all students to present their research and receive feedback from MWSCAS participants.
To participate in the Student Research Forum, applicants will need to submit an application with their name, institution, name of the advisor (if any), title of the presentation, and a short abstract (limited to 100 words) for their poster. The deadline for applications is July 15, 2023. Participants will be notified by July 22, 2023 on the acceptance of their application.
Each participating student will receive a certification for their attendance and presentation. 18 judges from industry and academia will review the posters and interact with the student researchers. Six best poster awards will be given in the following research areas:
Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems
Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems
Signal, Image, and Multimedia Processing
Communications Circuits and Systems
Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Engineering
And the best posters in the MWSCAS 2023 Student Research Forum are ...
Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits
Sutton Hathorn, Purdue University
All Digital PLLs as Intrinsic Odometers
Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Vi Nguyen, Arizona State University
Point of Care Diagnostic for Real
Time Viral Detection
Digital, Communications, and Signal Processing Circuits
Mohit Sharma, University of Windsor
Design Space Exploration in the Physical Design of an AI Processor at 12 nm using Relative Placement Methodology
Artificial Intelligence and Neuromorphic Engineering
Christopher Wolters, Technical University of Munich
Biologically Plausible Learning on Neuromorphic Hardware Architectures
Logistical Details:
Date/Time: Monday August 7 at 3:30-5 pm
Location: MWSCAS 2023 Exhibit & Poster Hall, Palm Ballroom CF, Tempe Mission Palms, 60 E 5th St, Tempe, AZ 85281.
Participants need to bring and mount their posters between 12 pm and 3:30 pm.
Poster specifications:
Posters can be on previous or recently published work, or unpublished work relevant to MWSCAS 2023
Posters will be displayed on a 4’ (W) x 3’ (H) poster board. Supplies for attaching the posters to the board will be provided.
To participate, please apply by clicking the "Student Research Forum Application" button below.