Complimentary Parking
MWSCAS guests may park anywhere around the hotel in a numbered spot using parking code 43337. Please see below for instructions on using the meters. Note that you will need to renew the parking code daily so that you do not get a ticket.
If screen is blank, please press “OK” to get to “Welcome” screen. Please press “OK” again.
A. Please select “OK” after each stepNext screen will ask for “Stall Number”. Please enter you parking space number.
It will then ask if you want to “Add more time” or “Purchase Ticket”. Please select “Purchase Ticket”.
You now have three options: Please select option number 3-“Hotel Guest Only”
It will then ask for your code. Important: Please enter code slowly as some machines take a little more time to register the number. The parking code for MWSCAS is 43337.
It will then ask if you would like a receipt. Select “OK”
A. It is not necessary for you to place receipt on dashboard
B. If the kiosk does not print a receipt, there is no need to worry. The machine registers your information for the time specified when checked by the city.If there are any problems, please see the Conference Concierge or ask for Security.
Remember to do this daily for the duration of your stay.