Oral Presentation Guidelines
A PC laptop will be available in each presentation room to display the slides for all oral presentations. Please bring your presentations in pdf or powerpoint format. Any other formats must be approved IN ADVANCE; please send email to info@mwscas2023.com
The video format used in all sessions will be 16:9 with 1930 x 1080 pixel resolution. A powerpoint template for your slides is available here. Please note that use of this template is optional.
Please check in with your session chair(s) to introduce yourself prior to the start of the oral presentation session.
File transfer: It is the responsibility of the presenting author to transfer the presentation files IN ADVANCE of the presentation. Files may be transferred directly to the session laptop or to a USB Flash Drive which will be available in the MWSCAS Speaker Prep Room (Augustine). For direct file transfer to the session laptop, please arrive at your oral presentation session at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session, particularly if the presentation makes use of large video files or graphics. For USB Flash Drive file transfer, please transfer the files the day before (for morning sessions) or by 1pm on the day of the presentation (for afternoon sessions on Monday/Tuesday).
The allocated time for each talk is 18 minutes total, including 15 minutes for presentations and 3 minutes for discussion. It is the responsibility of the session chairs to keep the session running on schedule.